For 2018, my poems and essays have appeared at these fine establishments as well as some of my art and I read in the following places as well as edited:
- Rigorous: vol 2, issue 3- poems: yr not gonna say it back?, dear cristela, in my body is this poem, it comes, meat and our bodies are shells that remind us we belong to the ocean, July 2018
- Resistance and Hope: Essays by Disabled People– essay, October 2018
- 13 Myna Birds: 2 creative pieces, Sept 2018
- Women Speak! 100thousand poets for change zine-San Antonio. Sept 2018
- El Mundo Zurdo Conference: reading. May 2018
- The Hermana, Resist Zine Anthology. Dec 2018
- edited #nofuckingwall issue of “Poems & Numbers“
- art piece in Rest for Resistance-Past and Present Selfs, April 2018