2018 thank yous
Click or not...: 2018 thank yousFor 2018, my poems and essays have appeared at these fine establishments as well as some of my art and I read in the following places as well as edited: Rigorous: vol 2, issue 3- poems: yr not gonna say it back?, dear cristela, in my body is this poem, it comes, meat and our bodies… Read more...
tour suggestions
Click or not...: tour suggestionsPutting together the event and tour schedule for the hermanx resist zine anthology for the upcoming winter/spring. Have suggestions? Can your school or club sponsor a visit? A FUNDRAISER TO ASSIST IN THIS TOUR AND TRAVEL EXPENSES IS HERE: Dates TBA [contact-form-7 id=”3328″ title=”tour ideas”] WHAT ELSE? we are a mutli-crip/disabled chronic pain family. Accessibility… Read more...
Mixed Media Art
Click or not...: Mixed Media ArtYou can find some of my mixed media art @ Catrina Creations on Etsy or one of the tiers on my Patreon Page. My pieces are available for use in articles, book covers, poetry books and other displays. Payment can be made for the originals with limited use as per a contract or one time… Read more...
Independent researcher
Click or not...: Independent researcherExpert Critique Services Looking for a sensitivity reader? I look for offensive content, stereotypes & misrepresentation & give detailed feedback with any issues I find. I am available to do evaluations and critique services for your articles, essays, poetry and manuscripts, including developmental evaluations and synopsis. Available as: freelance writer & guest writer full-time (remote… Read more...
Hermanx Resist Press
Click or not...: Hermanx Resist PressHermanx Resist Press is a micropress that publishes and promotes works by women of color and people of color. Under HRP we operate Poems & Numbers and #nof!ckingborderwall as well as an upcoming chapbook contest and more. Read more...
Click or not...: #nof!ckingborderwallI edit #nof!ckingborderwall. Now reading for our second issue, #nof!ckingborderwall is a special pop up issue within Poems & Numbers. We seek writing and art that captures the essence of Border culture and what the creation of the Border wall destroys. Submission info is here Read our first issue here Read more...
bio book
Click or not...: bio bookI created this bio book for my poetry and art shows that went along w/ my cards and sign in book. Read more...